Thursday, October 31, 2019
Organisational Behaviour Literature Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Organisational Behaviour - Literature review Example In this situation, it is the duty of company to motivate them and make them work in the previous pace. They might think of themselves as victims who would work on whatever the organizations assign them to do as they consider it as the company’s grace. If the employees work in this state of mind then it would be very difficult for organization to achieve the objective of downsizing (Wagner, 1991). However, a smaller proportion of people take it as exciting and career expanding because they become optimistic about themselves, optimistic in a way that there must be some extraordinary quality in them; this did not let them go out of the organization. Nevertheless, one cannot deny that larger proportion of people is always in fear and organizations must take some impactful steps to bring them on the right track. Alcoa Inc. an aluminum producing company faces the same situation during many mergers and other developmental efforts. It is one of the largest creators of air pollution in united states proving to be harmful for many human lives therefore it became urgent and serious for it to take a step. Alcoa therefore invested $330 million in a plant to help reduce the emissions such as nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. As one can see that $330 million is not small amount of money, therefore they must have thought of implementing downsizing in the company making many of their employees leave the jobs. Moreover, in 2006 installed a new plant in its branch of Swansea again requiring a huge amount of money generated by reduction in administrative costs. A joint venture of Alcoa and Alumina Limited might have caused the need for downsizing too. All these instances left Alcoa’s remaining employees with a low morale and spirit to work and managers with a great worry and apprehension of low productivity. However, one should not lose hope keep striving to achieve the best. Firstly, knowing the reasons that make employees not feel easy after downsizing would be a great help in understanding their emotions and treat them in view of that. One of the reasons is that they do not have interest in learning new skills because they assume that this will increase their workload. Naturally, no one likes to work more than he was doing earlier with a good salary. However, organizations need to change this behavior of employees buy assuring them that new skills will work in their favor, making them more profitable for the company and provide them with more chances of personal growth in the industry. Additionally, they would get more compensation with higher profits ultimately building their self-esteem and self-security. In any case, employees should feel that they contribute in the growth and development of the company this would stimulate them to work more passionately and ardently. Another reason of breaking of trust and emotions of employees is that they have lost some of very close colleagues and friends. Some might feel guilty that some of their friend lost their jobs because they were give preferences over them. All these problems occur because different people react differently towards change. Some have difficulty in accepting the change; others will find great opportunities behind them. Change, which is demolishing for ones, might prove to be exciting for others. Some express their anger and frustration, while others fight with it silently. Some get release after complaining whereas others talk a lot but actually are encouraging the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Burjeel hospital ( abu dhabi ) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words
Burjeel hospital ( abu dhabi ) - Research Paper Example Developments within the standards of the healthcare domain of the country have been one of the major aspects, which must be duly considered for deriving positive outcomes. The standard, which has been practiced within the healthcare industry of the nation, is identified to remain at par with the prevailing healthcare issues in the global business sector (Alhyas, Nielsen, Dawoud & Majeed, 2013). The number of chronic disease prevailing within the country i.e. the UAE is noted to be an ever increasing trend in recent years, which further demands for extensive development of the sector in terms of delivering effective healthcare services to the people of the country. In order to acquire more in-depth understanding about the topic of the research, Burjeel Hospital of the UAE has been taken into concern for discussion (Burjeel Hospital, 2015). Thus, with this concern, the research paper intends to develop a marketing plan for the healthcare organization i.e. Burjeel Hospital, which is operating in the nation for several years. The aim of the plan will be to ensure long-term sustainability and attain competitive advantage as compared to others operating within the overall healthcare sector of the nation. The healthcare organization chosen for this particular research study is Burjeel Hospital operating in the region of Abu Dhabi of the UAE. Notably, this particular healthcare organization is one of the biggest and most prestigious healthcare organizations operating in the nation. Apart from the effectiveness of the healthcare services being provided to the patients, the hospital is also known for its grandeur and magnificence in terms of infrastructural development. The management of the healthcare unit not only believed in the deliverance of quality healthcare services to the end users, but also offering the same in cost-effective manner. The organization also ensures providing world-class facilities to the customers based on which they could be cured as early as
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effect of Social Media on Social Movements
Effect of Social Media on Social Movements The new media platforms, such as social networking sites, have benefited from the internet that has made globalization real. Apart from giving the minority group an opportunity to achieve larger public acknowledgment, it also offers them a chance for self-expression. To begin with, media acts as a mode through which information is transferred to a large group of people. In the process, it constructs and outlines the public opinion on different societal matters. Minority groups, such as women, LGBT, disabled people, and immigrants, have had hardly solved challenges since their voices are unheard due to stereotypes in the society. (Castells) States that one important characteristic of the new platforms of media is that it is digital, and this avails it all parts of the world. New media has given the minority groups equal access to global affairs. The history of womens rights started in the 1960s where women fought for suffrage rights, inclusion in state positions, and other equality rights. Nonetheless, women rights have been violated across the world. Evidently, women hardly get the same platforms to express themselves as men do. Gender inequalities occur because of societal norms and stereotypes placed on a particular group of people due to their gender orientation; women in this case (Reifovà ¡ and Tereza). Fortunately, through new media platforms, women from different cultures have been able to fight for their rights. In this regard, online media has proved to be an essential tool in raising awareness on several women issues in different societies. Women have used this platform to advance their fight for their rights up to international levels. Mainly, social media has been used by several groups of women to push for accountability on activities related to women rights violation. Currently, social media platforms like Fa cebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and others have helped women to raise gender consciousness, organize equality campaigns, share ideas, and participate in policy development on gender-related issues (Chetkow-Yanoov). These women networks have brought changes to countries like India, Kenya, Brazil, Egypt and Saudi Arabia among others. Several online campaigns have proved useful in the fight for human rights in countries that violence against women is rampant. For instance, Egyptian women have had to go through sexual harassment for a long time, but this has changed ever since campaigns like #MeToo were launched through Twitter as a new media platform (Reifovà ¡ and Tereza). This campaign was meant to let women share their experiences and tell the world about their plight. The campaigns paid off since the government introduced a law against sexual harassment and women could take legal action against their oppressors. Another example of such movements in Egypt was a Facebook campaign called â€Å"Mat3brhash†. This campaign was started by Egyptian women to resist violence and harassment that they experience in the country. The campaign has drawn the attention of various organizations throughout the world and can be considered as an attempt to confront women harassment in Egypt. Similarly, Saudi Arabia has been battling gender inequality due to the conservatism nature form their culture and religion. In their case, the impact of social media on the right of women to drive in Saudi Arabia cannot be underestimated. For instance, Saudi Arabian women activists have managed to battle equality challenges by using media to highlight their experience. For instance, in 2011, on the wave of the Arab Spring, which led to political reforms, the Women2drive movement was formed. Activist Manal al-Sharif played a prominent role in it: she conducted propaganda in Facebook, laying out videos in which she showed her skills in machine control. Al-Sharif was later arrested. In another instance, in 2014, a human rights activist, Loujain al-Hathloul, drove a car to a territory of Saudi Arabia in protest against the law banning women from driving vehicles in Saudi Arabia. She was arrested and detained in police custody for close to three months. Women from the Saudi Arabia conducted several campaigns on social networks demanding the right to drive cars. Previously, only men could get a drivers license. In case a woman was seen driving in a public place, police officers could arrest her. Following a public outcry, such bans have been lifted. After the government allowed women to drive, to obtain the rights of women in Saudi Arabia does not even require the permission of male relatives, which is still necessary when getting a passport, crossing the border, and marrying. Equally, the #BringBackOurGirls was created in Nigeria to campaign for the release of schoolgirls who Boko Haram, a militia group in the country, abducted. This Nigeria’s abduction of students made the world come together to facilitate the release of the girls. Fortunately, some of the girls were rescued. LGBT groups of people have been depicted differently in media throughout history. Before the 20th century, the LGBT community has had negative representation by the media (Castells). It was portrayed as a perversion or even crime. However, this has changed significantly through new media and recently many countries like the US legalizing it. Mainly using social media, the LGBT community has made it their responsibility to make them known and define their culture. The positive representation has served to make the community acceptable within the society, and several people are giving them the necessary support (Alston and Knuckey). Recent years have seen the increase of LGBT community in TV shows, dramas, and others. This representation whether positive or mirroring the stereotypes in the society has helped impart knowledge about this minority group to the people (Castells). However, the transgender people have not had proper representation as compared to the gays, lesbians, and bisex uals. Notably, the transgender group has not been in public light as long as the others, and they have to face their challenges in order to triumph. Currently, the important thing is that media coverage of events and issues related to the rights and self-esteem of homosexuals has improved the publicity of the LGBT groups. For instance, homosexuals and lesbians are treated differently than ethnic, religious, or other social minorities. A notable example of an LGBT is Caitlyn Jenner, who formerly identified herself as a male. Caitlyn Jenner, once called Bruce Jenner, was an American television character and a former Olympic gold medal frontrunner in decathlete. Jenner has been using social media to fight for the rights of the transgender people. In 2015, she came out as a trans-woman having battled gender dysphoria from her youth. Due to her moves to fight for the rights of the transgender people in the society, Caitlyn, as a media celebrity, has made people become more accepting of the LGBT group lately. Another minority group that is worth analyzing is people with various disabilities, both physical and mental. Those with disabilities have not had it easy in history. They have been an easy target by people who seek to take advantage of them. Due to their disability, they are not able to carry out certain tasks and thus are vulnerable to accept help from not so trustworthy individuals. The phrase â€Å"disability is not inability†has been going around for some time now and the phrase is meant to let the public realize that the disabled can also live a normal life and participate in activities that were thought to be impossible for them. Through media, the stereotyping is slowly dying as the disabled community are proving themselves capable to the world. The same way other people try to make life easier by innovation, the handicapped life can also be made easier through assistance using technology. At some point in history, the deaf were considered passive members of the socie ty (Reifovà ¡ and Tereza). However, this has significantly changed through media. The deaf can participate in discussions through social media without requiring interpreters and such assistance. An example of a disability person who fights for the rights of this group is Judy Heumann, who is an American activist for the disability community. She has been a civil rights campaigner for handicapped people who use social media to foster her course. Another example is Wade Blank, an American disability activist. Using new media platforms, he has been leading campaigns on national rights for the disabled people. Blank heads â€Å"American Disabled Attendant Programs Today â€Å"ADAPT†and has been lobbying make public places easily reached by the disabled people. Digital communication provided by new media platforms has been helpful in making life easier for migrants. The social media has given the migrants the opportunities they did not have before. Migrants currently can participate in political as well as social life in both country of origin and the country they reside in (Castells). In fact, the migrants are able to get a clearer perspective of the happenings in their home countries. The migrants can exchange information through social media with their friends and families that still are in their home countries. The exchange of information makes it possible to bring social and political change in those countries. Websites like and are used in Russia by new migrants to communicate to their original governments in order to provide them with strategies of being incorporated in their new country. Overall, in the recent times, mass communication/the media has become one of the most important instruments of influence on society, especially on matters of immigration. Media portrayal of challenges that immigrants face in their lives affects their status and social rights. Overall, a vivid representative of the ideological influence in the mass media, that disseminates various behavior patterns imposes standards and dictates life patterns. Which, with prolonged perception, have a significant impact on the modern society, especially on the minority groups, such as the women, LGBT, immigrants, and the disabled people. The new media platforms alone cannot solve the minority groups’ problems. However, the power it has, with regard to fueling reforms, is great. Through social media, laws have been amended, and so many more movements have been created to fight for the rights of the minority groups in various quarters. Different minority groups have different challenges and there use of new media can sometimes lead to uncommon results. The majority people create the notion of a minority group, and so the change can be affected when their perspectives change. Together with authoritative bodies, media can be employed to impart knowledge and shape the perspective the majority have of minority groups in order to bring social change. Works Cited Alston, Philip, and Sarah Knuckey. The Transformation of Human Rights Fact-Finding. Oxford University Press, 2016 Castells, Manuel. Networks of outrage and hope: Social movements in the Internet age. Polity Press, 2012. Chetkow-Yanoov, B Harold. Social Work Approaches to Conflict Resolution: Making Fighting Obsolete. Routledge, 2013. Reifovà ¡, Irena, and Tereza Pavlà ckovà ¡. Media, Power and Empowerment: Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference Ceecom Prague 2012.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Jungle :: essays research papers
The Jungle, due to the federal legislation it provoked, became one of the most impressionistic books of the twentieth century. Americans were horrified to learn about the terrible sanitation under which their meat products were packed. They were even more horrified to learn that the labels listing the ingredients in canned meat products were blatant fabrications. The revelation that rotten and diseased meat was sold without a single consideration for public health infuriated American citizens. They consumed meat containing the ground remains of poisoned rats and sometimes unfortunate workers who fell into the machinery for grinding meat and producing lard. Within months of The Jungle's publication, the sale of meat products dropped dramatically. The public outcry of indignation led to the passage of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act. Â Â Â Â Â However, Sinclair did not write The Jungle to incite the American government into regulating the sanitation of the meat packing industry. The details regarding the unsanitary and disgusting conditions in meat packing factories are background details of a much larger picture. The Jungle was written in order to provoke outrage over the miserable working conditions of industrial wage labor. He detailed the lack of sanitation in the factories in order to provoke sympathy and outrage for the impoverished factory workers. The germs and disease inside the meat packing establishments were indeed a public health concern, but it was far more of a concern for the workers. He also portrays the various sicknesses they suffer as a result of their working environments. Â Â Â Â Â The Jungle is also an appeal to Socialism. He follows Jurgis's Lithuanian immigrant family into the disgusting tenements and meat packing factories of Chicago. There, they suffer the loss of all their dreams of success and freedom in America. They find themselves leashed to the grinding poverty and misery of the city slums despite all their best efforts. Sinclair's purposes for writing the novel included displaying the evils of capitalism as an economic system. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Jurgis suffers misfortune after misfortune, and he joins the union only to see the union fail to improve working conditions. His wife and child die in rapid succession. He becomes a wandering tramp, the victim of the casual cruelty of those better off than he. Finally, he joins the Chicago criminal underworld where money comes easily to him for the first time since his arrival in America. However, that fails to save him as well. He returns to the remnants of his family only to discover that Marija has become a prostitute. Another member of the family, Stanislovas, is dead, having been eaten alive by a swarm of rats in
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Assignment 055 Task a
Assignment 55(NOTES, need to write up) Task a DUTY OF CARE AND SAFEGUARDING  ·1) duty of care is to keep children and young people safe and to protect them from sexual, physical and emotional harm. Children have a right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity. We as adults must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety and well being of pupils. Failure to do this could be regarded as professional neglect. Always act and be seen to act in the child’s best interests. 2) Duty of care safeguards children by the setting having done risk assessments and precautions taken to avoid accidents or the spreading of infections. Follow the correct procedures if you have any concerns for the child’s well being, set clear boundaries for children depending on age, stage and development and discourage any behaviour, which could result in a child being harmed or upset. Assessments and observations on children can alert you to any problems that may need addressing and the discussions with parents and other professionals.Always listen to what children have to say and take any concerns they may have seriously. 1) Duty of Care includes the concepts: †¢ to keep individuals safe †¢ to keep individuals free from harm †¢ to give choice Duty of care is a key concept in working with other human beings. It is a legal term for safeguarding self and others. Children and young people are often vulnerable as they are yet to develop the physical and cognitive capacity to fully care for themselves; they need care and protection from the adults around them.Health and social care organisations have what is called a duty of care towards the people they look after. That means that they must do everything they can to keep the people in their care safe from harm. ‘Duty of care’ means a requirement to exercise a ‘reasonable’ degree of attention and caution to avoid negligence which would lead to harm to other people. Working with ch ildren and young people brings a significant duty of care and we need to recognise that the younger and more vulnerable the child the greater the duty of care.Your vigilance and attention keeps children and young people safe as they develop: †¢ the ability to foresee and cope with potential dangers †¢ more robust immune systems †¢ empathy –understanding their actions may hurt or upset others †¢ communication skills to be able to talk about harm others may be doing to them 2) duty of care is a requirement to excercise a reasonable degree of attention and caution to avoid negligence which would lead to harm to others. your vigilance and attention keeps young children safe as they develop
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Information Security Overview Essay
In this paper I will be discussing some of the benefits of having frameworks for information security management. What each of the frameworks of information security are, their pros and their cons. Which major perspectives to consider in information security management and framework choice. What organizational factors should be considered in framework choice? I will also attempt to come up with a better framework for information security. Some of the benefits of having frameworks for information security management are, that they serve as a common ground for integrating all types of information security functions. It also helps answer question of how to react to information security issues. As well as, helping identify what the important components involved in establishing and maintaining information security initiatives. Since our information faces more potential security breaches than ever before (Ma, Schmidt, Pearson, 2009 p. 58). The information security frameworks are the follow ing: -Governance frameworks -Security frameworks -Risk management and risk assessment frameworks -Audit and assurance frameworks -Legal and regulatory frameworks The governance framework is very important because it gives us a road map for the application, evaluation and improvement of information security practices (Information Security Governance: Toward a Framework for Action). This frame work includes legislation, regulations, corporate structure, corporate culture and the importance of information security to the organization. It also acts as a mechanism to deliver value, mange performance and also mitigates risk. Another important fact about this framework is that it gives us a way to assign accountability for each decision and performance. It ensures that policies, procedures, management and other related management techniques are all working hand in hand to achieve the organization’s goals. There aren’t many documents that define the roles, tasks and responsibilities of different senior members of an organization, just like in any other successful practice the need of support from senior management is needed. FISMA clarifies how that support has to be given. Some of the pros that governance frameworks bring to the table are as follows: It helps technology with business goals, it provided a framework for measuring and managing IS performance. It also facilitates compliance with external legislation and regulations. And last but not least, it helps ensure valuable technology solutions are delivered on time and on budget. Security standard framework consists of various guidelines, standards and regulations FISMA, NIST 800-39, HIPAA stand out to me. Each of these cover a wide range of needs that need to be followed in order to achieve a successful security framework. While FISMA is a more broad regulation that covers many government related issues, it still provides a good understanding of the division of responsibilities. NIST 800-39 delves into different risk management issues, which will be highlighted as I continue this research. Information security planning or strategy should be aligned with business objectives (Peltier, 2003 p.22) According to NIST 800-39 Risk management is a comprehensive process that requires organizations to: frame risk i.e. establish the context for risk-based decisions, assess risk and responds to risk once determined, and to monitor risk on an ongoing basis. This frame work is a fundamental requirement in which senior leaders and executives need to be committed to. There are many organizational risks, some of these are: i.e. program management risk, investment risks, legal liability risk and security. Information systems is also critical to the success of organizations achieving their objectives and strategic goals (NIST 800-39 p. 2). Some of the pros for Risk Management frame works are a) reducing the risk to an acceptable level if the risk cannot be eliminated, with which the organization it is still able to function safely. b) Risk can be transferred by using insurance policies by insuring that the company’s assets are protected for theft or destruction. Audit and assurance frameworks includes assessing and comparing what is actually happening in an organization against what is actually supposed to be happening. Auditors can also be called to assess compliance with corporate security policies, standards, procedures and guidelines. Some times as contractual commitments, either as a specific audit or solely in the course of routine audit assignment. Legal and regulatory frameworks, ensure that organizations are abiding by the requirements given by the different regulations like, FISMA, HIPPA and others. Failure to comply with the standards listed on these and other regulations can affect organizations in various ways; ranging from fines to jail time depending of the severity of the violation and the state where the violation is being committed. The some of the pros to this framework are that organizations will be more apt to follow what is required of them all the while protecting not only the customers’ sensitive informations but also the employee’s vital information. Some of the cons to these frameworks â€Å"A secure system is one that does what it’s supposed to†(Eugene Spafford). There is no way to ensure that all systems have the same state of security. Because not all systems do the same things. Therefore each individual organization or user must choose what type of security is important. In some cases security clashes with itself. Controls that might enhance confidentiality doesn’t necessarily support integrity. With all the time it takes to control integrity and confidentiality and how complex they each are, the availability is impacted. It does not come as a surprise that it is impossible to create a universal checklist of the items once implemented, will guarantee security. Security risks aren’t necessarily measurable, since the frequencies and impacts of future incidents are dependent on many different things that tend to be out of our control. If we don’t know what skills whoever is attempting to intrude or hack our systems is working with, it would be difficult to fight it, let alone predict it. Opposite to what some might believe, according to BOA’s Smith, â€Å"senior management is not the biggest hindrance to better security. Rather, th e middle management might represent one of the largest challenges because they impact the organization daily.†Many organizations find it difficult to stay in compliance with different government laws and regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley Act and HIPAA in addition to Payment card industry Data security Standards. It does not help the fact that there is a scarcity in security professionals who have the technical and engineering skills that know how to explain the risks/rewards and the trade-off and can sell solutions within the organization. When choosing a framework in information security management we have to keep in mind different factors in order to have a successful framework. Some of these factors are, the goals of the organization; we have to establish the information security objectives, these should be strategic, organizational focus and made by executive-level management, since they have a better grasp of the whole business goals and limitations. We also have to be aware of the fact that organizational goals, structure and information security management strategy has to change as different environmental factors like, technology business and legislation frequently evolve. Another important factor is the culture of the organization need to be the same for everyone involve, from the CISO to the administrative assistant. After all the extensive reading, my framework would have a continuous risk management and risk assessment frame work, security controls that align perfectly with the goals of the business and the culture of not only the organization but the entire workforce. I would achieve this by implementing quarterly training on the importance of ISM and how it affects everyone involved. I believe that everyone should be kept informed as to what our IS goals are by showing them how we have failed or succeeded. On the chance that we have failed we can have the employees propose how we can make it better. When we involve everyone affected they will take it more seriously. There are different types of frameworks that make up the information security management framework. Which address the needs for a functional ISM framework and details the obligations of those in an organization while providing the standards, guidelines, legislations and regulations the all have to abide by. And how the lack of a proper framework can affect those in the organization. Reference Ma, Q., Schmidt, M., & Pearson, J. (2009). An integrated framework for information security managemtn. doi: Review of Business Dempsey, K., Chawla, N., Johnston, R., Jones, A., Orebaugh, A., Scholl, M., Stine, K., & Johnson, A. U.S Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2001). Information security continuous monitoring for federal information systems and organizations (800-137). Gaithersburg, MD D. Smith (Jonson, M., & Goetz, E. (2007). Embedding information security into the organization. 17.) Eugene Spafford. (I’m sorry, but I lost the article where I got his quote from)
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